travel advice & savings


Travelogue Entry in IP

Party Girl Traveling Europe Solo Where to go?!

I’m flying in to London May 12th, heading down to Paris, then Amsterdam, then as many countries as I can making my way down towards Italy and Greece, I want to hit Turkey if I have the time. But I definitely want to have fun on this trip! Last summer I came and saw a lot of museums and statues…took a lot of naps, and went home bored.
I’m 25, and want to get CRAZY this summer!!!! Where do I go?! Anywhere’s an option, any suggestions??? I’ve got 2 months free to roam Europe!

2 week party trip...need help

First time planning…have not made any bookings, need to finalize the places and length of stay at each place…less interested in sightseeing or anything, just wanna have a crazy time partying

The Most Wanted Party in Brussels

The Most Wanted Party

  • The Most Wanted Party at Soho club
    The Most Wanted Parties are back! 3 DJS and one MC to make your dance all night long sliding through different musical styles just for you!


C’est le grand retour des soirées “Most Wanted Party”!

Travel party


I’ll be travelling in East Europe in June and July. Will anyone be around there by then?
I’ve no idea if there’s a way to check that on the website, but if there’s not, I can share my itinerary!

Anyway, it would be nice to meet some travelers Smile

PArty in Europe

HEy i was wondering how many of you guys are going to be in Europe this summer. I am currently in the process of planning my itinerary and it would be nice to have a few people to party with while i am out there. I am a 20 year old college student from southern california. feel free to contact my through my facebook/twitter/myspace pages. they are in my profile. or e-mil me at Just a disclaimer, I party hard! haha. also, any advice to planning my trip or advice for when im actually out ther would be greatly appreciated. =)

Please help me plan my first eurotrip :D

Hi everyone!

I’m planing my first Eurotrip and I’ve made a list of the places I wanna go to so far. I’ve got about 32 days for this trip starting in May. In June I start Law school so this might be my last chance at freedom for a long time.

I’m 23 years old, male, and adventurous. I love outdoor activities, partying, and also sightseeing (museums, landmarks, etc…)

Please help me narrow the list down to the top 10 or 11 places to go. I figure that’ll give me about 3 days per place, give or take. I’m traveling alone also. Anyway, here’s the list:


Partygoer Friendly Hostels

I’m looking on advice for hostels in the following cities:


About our group: We are traveling in a group of four as recent college graduates who will definitely be staying out late. We are looking for hostels that have reputations for being party friendly in good areas and tend to have younger people staying at them. It’s kinda hard to find places online that advertise themselves as this but any input would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Party Hostels in England, Ireland, Am'dam, Belgium??

I have just come back from backpacking through Australia for 6 months and i am hopefully leaving for Europe in late march, april-ish and i was hopeful that the European hostels would stand up to the same party atmosphere as i have come used to in oz like waking up at 11:00am and people already going jagerbombs in the common room and im on a super tight budget since i just came home i don’t really have enough saved up to be leaving again but i really need to get back to traveling!

So any suggestions ????
