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Travelling in Spain-France! Itinerary ok?
I am planning to travel to Spain and then on to France in late September, early October. Please look at this itinerary and let me know if i need to:
1. Change the sequence of cities to visit.
2. Skip any city
3. Extend or shorten my stay in any city.
I also seek ways to identify how to locate a hostel close to a railway station since we will be traveling on a flexi saver pass.
Thanks in advance for your help everyone!
Belgium Beer Tour
Other Entertainment in Brussels, Belgium
Beautiful Cities in Spain
Shopping in Madrid, Spain
Best Travel Options for Study Abroad student in Athens
Hey all,
I am about to be studying in Athens, Greece for the next 4 months, and I am wondering what the best forms of travel are between Athens and European countries such as France, Italy, Amsterdam, Poland, Austria, and Germany. Because i would only get to travel on weekends and some weeks, is it best to by a eurorail pass or just go trip by trip? Is flying better in some cases?
Also, how does the ferry system work in terms of international travel?
Thanks so much!
-Katherine W.
eurotrip 101: where to go, how to get there, and how to survive on a budget
Travelogue Entry
in Paris, France
Recipes & Stories
Two things that would be nice to see are two new forums:
The first (which was already mentioned) if a food forum. It would be great to have a recipe exchange or just talk about what people have been eating while in Europe. It seems there are a few people (like myself) that like to cook and eat. I would love to see a food or recipe forum.
The second is a stories forum. I know this could go under (maybe) the eurotrip pub. I think it would be cool if people would be open enough to share their stories. Funny stories, train stories, scary stories. Just fun things that happened.
Work and travel
Hello everyone,
I am thinking of travelling for a few months to Europe in December or January, hope to be able to get some jobs that allow me to get to know, superficially, 4 or 5 countries. (the principal cities of, for example, Spain, France, Italy…)
I’m new in this and have no experience in working abroad, staying in hostels and that kind of stuff, so, I ask you for any help or advice that you could give me.
I’m 22, I’m a student and I’m an Argentinian, but I have also the Spanish nationality. I speak english, french, japanesse (not very usefull, i think), and, obviously, spanish.