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1000 euro each !
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i’m planning to visit europe me and my friend we have 1000 eruo each beside the planes tickets , we wanna visit france ,germany and italy .

plan for us please (we don’t care about sleeeps and food )

going after june

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plan for us please

While we love to help, this is quite a request! not sure how we can help you plan with such limited info. As a starting point, you can probably swing two weeks at most on a very slim budget.

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thanks for your replay mim , i just don’t know if 1000 euro is enough , i want to visit france and italy but my friend want to visit germany

i want to visit nice , northen italy to see the alps , and we both want to visit south germany to meet some of our friends thats all

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I think you can eke out 2 weeks. 200€ for city to city transportation and 50€ a day for basic living. However, 3 countries, especially 3 big and diverse ones, won’t be easy in 3 weeks. I’d vote for most of the time in Italy (great place for a 10 day to 2 wek visit) and a stop in one other country.

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Agree with Oldlady about concentrating on Italy.
Eat lots of pasta.

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Austria has good alpine scenery, and in my experience is reasonably priced. It is also convenient to Southern Germany. Perhaps fly into Munich and get a Bavarian ticket to get to Austria at a relatively low price. Fly home from Vienna, or Munich.

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thanks all for your post

i’m just very confused , italy sound very nice but i like to visit france , won’t it better , i’m not to much into buildings , i’m libyan so we have italian style here in tripoly i’m more into green places as my country is 98% desert , by the way you are all invited to visit me Smile , of course when things get safe first