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Mon, 08/04/2008 - 05:28
Open Eurotrip Peepfest Meeting…
Tuesday September 23rd, 2008 @ 11:00am – Until you drop
Festhalle Schottenhamel
I will make a flag to place on the table with the Eurotrip logo (somewhere in the back in the non-reservation section). Otherwise send me a PM and I will give you my mobile number. My train from Vienna arrives at 10:30am so if it is delayed, I will be a few minutes late.
What time are you getting to München Sunskin?
Everyone else please RSVP here so that I can get a rough head count!
A non-reserved table @ Schottenhammel at 11:00? Good luck
It is where we met 2 years ago about the same time. It is a Tuesday after all.
True…. I think you may have gotten lucky though…..It’s tough to hold an entire table at any time on any day
Chris: I arrive about noon. I will be at the fest about 1300 hrs.
I will try to hold the fort. Anyone else there Tuesday morning?
My buddy and I will be around but it may be tough to get there for 11am. We will make a solid attempt.
Will any of you guys have a cell phone when your over there? Would love to do a podcast live from Oktoberfest!
Reykjavik, London, Lille, Berlin, Kraków, Lviv, Istanbul, Selçuk, Pamukkale, Kızkalesi, Göreme, Kars, Bat'umi, Akhalts'ikhe, Tbilisi, Telavi, Istanbul
Eurotrip Managing Editor
Yes indeed, I will have a cell. I’ll e-mail you the number…
I will also have a cell but not sure if slurring will make a good podcast!
Great! If I can get on of those square tables in the back that would be great but sitting there turning away other people may get difficult come lunch time!
I wouldnt worry about turning anyone away. Im sure we will be able to work something out. Even if we have to get a seat at a table or two away. We can migrate over easily.
Weekdays before 1300 hrs, even in Der Schottenhamle are very manageable for groups of 4 to 8…
I am also going to try and get together one evening, after hanging at the fest for a few hrs – at one of my favorite spots im Munchen: The KaiserGarten… It’s in Schwabing area, and has great food & atmosphere outside & inside… I must go to my namesake Garten and shoot some video this year.
What’s your email address Gdrinkh2o? I have made some photos for the meeting place. Also if anyone else needs my maps and photos, pm or post your email and I will send along the care package.
Guy: I need the e-mail addy as well, because the buschassociatespc – dead in the water!
Also, I will not be getting there till 1230 or 1300 hrs myself on 9/23… Just pop in when you can. It will be fairly easy to find us with Luvbeers’ pics…MunichBeerBoy
Let’s pickup the chatter & e-mails on the EUROTRIP Meet-up on 9/23/08 ! ! ! Only 30 days!
is anyone going to be there the 22nd and the 23rd
My flight departs on the 22d, but I do not arrive till 9/23 at about 10:40 a.m.
heh, sorry for the dead email. I hadda get a new job to afford these vacations. Ill pm both of you guys and update my profile.
GD: Thank goodness! We thought you were dead… Or much worse, gave up drinking bier!
Let’s have a toast to Azziz while we are at the Schottenhamel on 9/23… In honor of a funnier-than-heck movie from a couple years back “The 40 Year Old Virgin”… The Character (Azziz) work at Smart Tech with Mooj, Andy, Paul Rudd & the rest of the gang.. Azziz (not sure of his real name) was the other funny Middle Easter guy who worked with Mooj, got into it with Paul Rudd in the smoking area,, etc..
Well, he stabbed his wife 20 times last week.. She somehow lived, but Azziz will not be making any movies any time soon. Unless it’s a Documentary in a California prison shower…
In Utah?
In Utah?
haha, thats awesome…
Frankfurt, Munich, Venice, Florence, Nice, Barcelona, Paris
Eurotrip Developer
So what tent should we hit up first on Wed. 9/24 morning?
I am thinkin Auggie or Hacker Zelt.
hey can i join u guys…..
I would think this is a.o.k. Chris, heads-up for KingShane.
I don’t see why not!
i will be there the 22nd to the 24th….so where will u guys be at around these days
KingShane: I sent you a PM..
Hey Mike and Chris!!! It’s been a while, but I think I just might be able to swing into Munich for the 2nd weekend of Ofest. I see you guys are meeting the first week…by any chance will either of you be there 10/1-10/5?
Also, do you guys know the name of the hostel that is about 2 blocks from the entrance of the fairgrounds? I stayed there in 2003 right after it first opened, but throughout all of the drinking I forget. Hope to see you soon!
Mike: you still in Jax Beach?
Machitty: Good to hear from you. No ma’m, I got married 5 years ago or so, have a family of 5 now, so I had to sell the 1300 sq ft Beach Bum house! I oved over between JTB & Beach, off Hodges, near Jax GCC… How are you?
You stayed at a hostel, or do you mean the Hotel Jedermann?? What street was it on, do you vaguely remember? Or, did you stay behind / upstairs from the pub at the Pensionen (My buddies place) at Schwanthaler str. #88 ???
Nope. Fraid not girl,,, Chris and I shall be long gone by 10/1/08…
Hey there!
I am pretty sure you stayed at the Easy Palace Hostel on Mozartstraße… if I recall correctly we met up there one day.
Hey Guys!
I will be at O’fest (staying at the 4you) at sunday morning, sept 28, staying until wed, oct 1.. so we will only really have 3 days there, planning to check out munich on sunday, and then do the oktoberfest thing on monday/tuesday (hopefully a bit less crowded).
any suggestions/tips for 4 first time festers from canada?
Sunday, I would hit a few Bier Gartens and the Englischer Garten, do some walking-around, weather permitting. If it’s a rainy day, perhaps take a train to the BMW Museum??
From the archives… Oktoberfest 2001 (the 9/11 fest).
The Bavarian weather was very nice in 2001… We had several days of about 75 deg / sunshine…
The best part was that people thought it would be canceled because of the WTC conspiracy and the tents were not so packed!
Very true sir. I flew-over 10 days after the 9/11 tragedy, and there were not many people on the B 767 plane. They actually moved us around to distribute the weight, as the flight was only 1/3 full. I had 3 or 4 entire rows to myself. The first weekend generally draws 1.2 to 1.5 million people, but the German press reported only about 550,000 the first weekend in 2001. It picked-up to alomst normal levels after that, but the total bier consumption for the 16 days was down about 1 mil litres that yr.
For those of you who cannot make it on 9/23/08… We will likely do the same thing at either the Augustiner or Schotty again on 9/24 at 1100 or 1130 hrs..
Are you clowns still alive?
I will see you fuckface republicans tomorrow!
Hey, I am “None of the Above” party member… Screw all Politicians, CEO’s, and Lawyers!