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Looking for a Guide & driver to handle a small group (4-12 people),like a minivan to handle at least 6 people as we will likely have others with us from the cruise. on March, 2006 arriving on the HAL Westerdam.
What is a good price for four hours? picking up at the dock servicing Casablanca for a full day excursion including Marrakesh, any suggestions & recommendations would be appreciated!

alumninternational's profile picture
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The Majority of People choosing scheduled excurtions through the ship!

We scheduled City-Tour excursions both through the ship and with independent operators. Independent/Private Tours offer flexibility of schedule as well as a more intimate and personalized experience.
They are generally less expensive, as well. I reserved most of ours before & after departure.

We connected with first rate independent operator, Charif StarsTour. who offer an Excellent City Tours. We were provided with
Skilled and excellent Tour Guides, Clean & Comfortable Transportation equipment, Very Safe, well maintained and easy to
operate. having found this company on the internet, I wasn’t sure what we would get. The Tour Guides were Prompt,
Professional, informative and interesting. I will use this company again. a Four-hour Tour, was most Notable. Although Charif
employs Luxury Vans, the amenities are Superb. his Vans can take up to 15 passengers. It was So Nice to see our Name on a placard when we landed at Tangier’s and Casablanca Ports.

Charif Provides the Narration and finds the Local-life. You Just Need to Book his Tour one or two weeks in advance.

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Thank you so much for the detailed information. I will definitely take your advice.

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I took a tour like this in Albania.

Ibrahim was masculine but gentle and didn’t look like a sissy when he accompanied me about Tirana.