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Another question about point to point
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Ok..I know this type of question has been asked a million times..haha..I did a search..but I’m confused still. I used the rail saver to determine what pass would be good for me and it suggested a 3 country (Aust/Germ/Switz) 5 day select pass for $249 and the Prague pass for $35. I thought rail saver was supposed to determine if point to point would be cheaper, but when I put the cities I would be visiting individually in the page for point to point tickets, the total ended up being slightly cheaper than the eurorail option. So basically, I was wondering if that sounds like it could be correct and if so…would it simply be easier to forgo the 10 bucks and buy the eurorail pass cuz it is easier to use?? If not, I’m assuming I should buy the point to point tics once I get there? In case it helps..the cities I’m visiting in order are…Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Munich, Prague, Berlin and Hannover (I"m not staying at all in Linz or Innsbruck)

Sorry for the extremely long post and thanks in advance for any help!