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Can anyone help me?
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Well I finally bought my ticket for my trip starting end of july, but i have some questions that maybe some of you out there can help me out on.

First off im flying to London and flying back from London. My last destination is Rome so i have to get from Rome to London. My question is: is the best place for a ticket?

Secondly seeing Ireland, Scotland and England i have found to be pretty dang expensive ( just to be there for a week would cost me like $400 on transportation in between the cities) So anyways i think im going to just do Scotland, unless someone has any suggestions on how to see all three pretty cheaply, but besides that what is the cheapest route from London to Edinbergh? Would you suggest renting a car? Anyone have any idea how much gas is out there? HELP!!! Also do you need any kind of drivers license there?

Another question: I plan to be in Europe for a month, and i wont actually activate my eurorail pass until after leaving england (obviously). Also i will be flying back into London
from Rome giving myself probably 2 days before i fly home. My question HAHA is do you recommend a 15 day railpass or a 21 day rail pass? God help me if im traveling on a train more than seeing the sights.

Thanks for the help everyone..