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Cheap mid Sept flight from HSV or BNA to AMS?
Fri, 05/18/2007 - 22:28
So far the best I have found on Lv Huntsville, AL 9/17 Ret from Amsterdam 10/11 is $802 all charges included. Can I do better? Could use Chattanooga or Nashville departure, but haven’t found better there. Could actually fly to London, but haven’t found anything better there either. Prefer flying to AMS.
you could take continental airlines from nashville to brussles (capital of belgium.. very close to amsterdam .. just take the train).. it comes up for 768 incl taxes.. but this is high season im surprised if you get something signigficantly better. and on top of this im surprised it is not cheaper from atlanta because its such a huge hub. US Airways is offering the same thing except from Birmingham atlanta.. same price. Good luck, let us know how you do
Thanks rbrettg. I will look into the Nashville to Brussels flight. Found Huntsville to Amsterdam for $804. Through ATL. I don’t love flying Delta, but from HSV it is simple. No parking or transportation to Nashville or Birmingham or from Brussels to Amsterdam. Flight times aren’t great but one change (ATL) and no layover.
I always thought summer esp Aug was biggest travel time in Europe. I could actually go anytime from July, but mid/late Sept is the latest I can go. Unless I wanted to go to Amsterdam in November. Shiver.
I am not sure if there will be any kind of let up in fares or whether to go ahead on the Delta flight. If I could find a really good flight with an interesting airline (KLM or other non-US) I might go to $900. So I am still shopping so far.
Try your cities with www.farecompare.com with their “Research Cheapest Airfares” option. This will give you a snapshot of where flights start to get cheaper. Also, try the links and tips in our new users thread—top of this forum.
I have only flows Southwest in & out (quickly) of BNA..
There’s an airport, with a runway and everything in Huntsville??