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Chile in December
Adeelie's profile picture
Eurotrip Points: 155
Member: 1056
Joined: 01/03/2007
User offline. Last seen 16 years 40 weeks ago.

Hi everyone,

I am going on my first trip below the equator this winter, to Chile. I have never been to South America, so naturally I am full of questions. Thankfully, I am traveling with a friend who has been working there for the past year. Right now I am just trying to focus on buying a plan ticket. Does anyone have any information about some flight deals/airlines that I should check out/not check out? I’ve done some preliminary web searches, and I’ve found that Varig Brasil has the best deals for late Dec-early Jan, which is when I plan to go. I found a flight for just under $1000 after taxes, which so far seems to be the cheapest I can find. Does anyone know if this is a good deal? Any suggestions for finding a better deal? Or do you think this is the best I can do for that season? I’m flying from NYC to Santiago. I made sure to fly during the week, which has lowered the price a bit. Also, I think we will (hopefully) be taking at least one domestic flight to the south, to the tip of Patagonia (I really hope we go! Going to Patagonia has been a lifelong dream of mine!). I’ve tried to look for flights that fly into Santiago and maybe out of some other location in the south (Punta Arenas?). In the past I have found that flying in and out of two different airports has lowered the price, but this doesn’t seem to be the case for Chile. Any suggestions? comments? Also, does anyone have info on some good and cheap domestic Chilean airlines?

I’m just full of questions! I’d appreciate any information you have to give, especially from anyone who has been to Chile and has any and all nuggets of wisdom (or just some good stories) to share. Thanks!
