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Daily Troy & Gallipoli Tours

Travelogue Entry
Tags: anzac, gallipoli, Tours, travel, troy, Turkey
City: Gelibolu, Turkey
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Have made it a very enjoyable hour long bus ride from Canakkale 6 . We went to the ancient city of Troy . Spread over a wide area of ​​the ancient city of Troy , and a very large excavation work carried out istanbul airport taxi since 1986 . Our guide was very knowledgeable, professional lady. Troy has a detailed knowledge of a very wide variety . Troy on numerous documentaries, books , travel programs, and finally in 2006, is the film Troy starring Brad Bitt . Canakkale statue on display at the city park used in the movie Troy . An ancient city of Troy is as old as human history . Separate distinct layers and each layer is composed of nine survived civilization . In the first layer, which is 90 meters wide, a castle , dating from the last layer of the works of the Roman Empire . The period of the Roman Empire was very nice street tapınank adorned with fountains, statues and monuments . There is a very small bird of* ancient theater* . Aske stored at the statue of the city of Troy secretly enters and bloom , and winning the war becomes a party to the door of the castle .

Gallipoli peninsula many military tunnels, there are military guard. Gallipoli and the British royal family was the war’s first naval battle where all the ships collapsed. Anzac australia new zealand military service and later formed the Turkish military has been among the soldiers. This war, both sides acted friendly. Therefore, it is known as the last Gentleman’s War. On April 25, Anzac Day commemorations are very large. Here is the memory of a large number of Turkish and ANZAC troops made ​​a huge monuments and statues. ANZAC Turkish military and the military museum, and many military supplies military uniforms on display. At the end of the day in an air conditioned bus ride lasted four hours later we reached Istanbul.