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I“m gonna have to work some OT at those prices!
I“m gonna have to work some OT at those prices!
Money well – spent mate! What dates will you be there again JetStream??? Send me your e-mail addy. I will then send you the photos & contact info for the Schottenhamel meet-up’s…
It is official! We started at 310 days, and we have now reached a hair under 31 days… Yes, that’s right, under one calendar month,,, just hours more than 30 days till” Ozapth Ist!
Noch 30 Tage, 23 Stunden und 37 Minuten !MunichBeerBoy
It’s officially down to 4 weeks…
Noch 28 Tage, 2 Stunden und 33 Minuten..I can already smell the roasted hendl, bier, and candied cashews!
RUGGER: It will be a sure thing this year! I will be there from 23.9.08 to 28.9.08 this yr.
Send me your e-mail, and I will forward you the pics of Chris and I, along with the Schotty Zelt location pics, etc.MunichBeerBoy
Sunskin, You can email at franktk1@hotmail.com, and I will send my cell number to you….frank
Frank: I e-mailed ya sir.
Countdown: Noch 21 Tage, 3 Stunden und 26 Minuten. Drei Woche !MunichBeerBoy
Noch 13 Tage, 6 Stunden und 4 Minuten. Less than two weeks!
11 days…..almost ready to buy my euro’s!
H2O – I would get them by Friday of this week… I sent a couple more messages to your AOL addy..
Noch 10 Tage, 16 Stunden und 11 Minuten. When you get to ten days, it’s time to start looking for the passport & Euro’s…MunichBeerBoy
9 days! we’re into the single figures! woop woop!
first time at oktoberfest for me! will get into munich oct 1st! PROST!
Sun, I got em…we are good for the 23rd. My buddy and I should have no problem finding you guys.
Excllent work sir. I depart in exactly six days… The fest starts in only 90 hours!
One more quick rundown of where & when to find us,,, the EUROTRIP and Havebeerwilltravel gangs next week:
Tues. 9/23: Schottenhamel Zelt (1100 to 1600) – Spaten Brau Weds. 9/24: Augustiner Zelt (1130 to 1600) – Augustiner Thurs. 9/25: Winzerer Fahndl (1200 to 1700) – Paulaner Fri., 9/26: Either Hacker or Lowenbrau @ 1200 noon or so. We are doing Dinner at Augustiner Stub. about 1800 hrs. Also.. I always hit the Weinzelt for an hour in the early evening,,, Outside Bar area.. My Deutsch Cell: 151 11740911PROST!
Only two more days till the Oktoberfest starts! At approximately 1100 a.m. at the Schottenhamel THIS SATURDAY,,, the Mayor of Munchen will proclaim “Ozaptf Ist”!!! (It’s tapped!),,, and so we begin…
Next Tuesday daily special in Der Schottenhamel: Dienstag: Wiener Schnitzel vom Schwein mit Kartoffel-Gurkensalat*3,5,10 10,50MunichBeerBoy
Noch 0 Tage, 5 Stunden und 5 Minuten..
1 Mass Bier (z. b. Augustiner Festbier): 470 kcal
1 Radler-Mass: 350 Kcal
Apfelschorle (0,5 Liter): 145 Kcal
Spezi (0,5 Liter): 220 Kcal
Orangenlimo (0,5 Liter): 185 Kcal
An Guadn!
1 Teller Gulaschsuppe (250 ml): 260 Kcal
1 Teller Leberknödelsuppe (250 ml). 160 Kcal
Hauptgerichte (je 100 Gramm / pro Portion) ohne Beilagen
Brathendl: 166 Kcal / halbes Hendl: 700 Kcal
Schweinsbraten: 230 Kcal / 570 Kcal
Steckerlfisch: 160 Kcal / 400 Kcal
Ochsenbraten: 200 Kcal / 520 Kcal
Kasspatzn: 216 kcal / 690 Kcal
Dampfnudel: 270 Kcal / 680 Kcal – mit Vanillesauce: 900 Kcal
Kaiserschmarrn mit Rosinen: 230 Kcal / 678 Kcal – mit Apfelmus: 800 Kcal
Schweineschnitzel: 150 Kcal / 400 Kcal
Obazda: 236 Kcal / 480 Kcal
Krautsalat: 100 Kcal / 240 Kcal
Kartoffelsalat: 150 Kcal / 300 Kcal
Pommes Frites: 323 Kcal / 484 Kcal
Semmelknödel: 170 Kcal / 304 Kcal
Kartoffelknödel: 80 Kcal / 178 Kcal
Sauerkraut: 25 kcal / 50 Kcal
Blaukraut: 35 Kcal / 70 Kcal
Radi (Rettich): 14 kcal / 35 Kcal
Radieserl: 15 Kcal / 30 Kcal
große Breze: 280 Kcal / 840 Kcal
Süßes (je 100 Gramm)
Gebrannte Mandeln: 590 Kcal
Türkischer Honig: 385 Kcal
Zuckerwatte: 358 Kcal
Popcorn süß: 420 Kcal
Glasierter Apfel: 160 Kcal (pro Stück)
Lebkuchenherz: 0 Kcal (wird nicht gegessen, sondern um den Hals getragen!)
Very good info sir. And it’s also an OMEN for the journey… Your posting was the 69th reply!
Mike, Sorry we did not meet again this year, I tried the number you gave and it said it was not available, I check for you in the Schottenhamel on Tues, and the Augustiner on Wed, no luck,, It is
like looking for a needle in a hay stack,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I can say one thing for sure, I will be back again next year as I was for the last 17yrs……………Cheers………Frank
I was disappointed not to meet-up with Gdrink, Rugger, Shane, and one or two others tis year. Would have been alot easier had I gotten what I was promised. Word of warining, do not go with Edicom in Germany. They sent me a seemingly brand new, working phone. However, there was a PIN # included, which initial programming took no problem. Then, it asked for a second “PUK” number… What the hell is that? It’s almost 2009 folks, just give me a phone, I turn it on, and make a damn call. Anyways, after I guessed incorrectly on this PUK number (which was not given to me) a few times,, the phone died with “SIM Card Rejected” error. Arrgh! Then the guy (Henrik) sends Chris(Luvbeers) a text message to his 28-digit Austrian cell number with the PUK, and instructions to call him back. He did not answer his phone or the return txt msg. I am using TravelCell again, and from now on starting in 2010.
Notwithstanding people not being able to reach me on a previously, and seemingly set-in-stone, working – published well in-advance cell number, things were good. I did manage to hook-up with Ger.ty, Luvbeers, Glenn E., Michael, Peter, Nicole, Chrissy, and a few really cool Brit’s named: Barry, Samantha, and Raul.
Another good time in 2008. I will not be back till 2010, but this will be the 200th Anniversary bash of all bashes!
Ahh, it was another good year but I wasn’t able to find you guys. No worries, there will be more. I could’t reach Sun as well and the call forwarding from my US phone to my rental phone was not working. Next time I will bring 2 tin cans and a string. I too will have to take a break next year but will try to return for 2010. GL to those still sipping beers!
Yes, 2010 will be great. I will be staying at the Bayerischerhof the entire time, and will have a WORKING cell phone! I will have my 2008 photos posted on Havebeerwilltravel.com in about 24 hrs or less.
I would say we can start the 2009 countdown on November 1st!~
I second this motion.