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Eurailpass question + "alternative" destinations
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This is a very basic question about the Eurailpass (the 17 country one). I understand it includes travel from major places like Munich to Paris-across country borders. But does it also include inter-country travel? For example, does the pass cover a train ride from Madrid down to Algeciras (the southern port of Spain that connects to Morocco)? I don’t want to bore everyone with my itinerary…but is the best tactic to get the point-to-point prices for every destination and then compare the price to the pass price? It sounds like most people get the number of days they need for major connections satisfied through a Eurailpass, but then buy point-to-point tickets for inter-country destinations.

I also have a few "extraordinary" connections I’m attempting to make that I need advice on:

1. Algeciras, Spain – Tangier, Morocco (there’s an inexpensive ferry that takes 2.5 hours)…has anyone ever done this? If so, what was your experience?
2. Brindisi, Italy – Corfu, Greece (another ferry, this one 9 hours)…I am trying to get from Venice, Italy to Athens, Greece. Would it be cheaper to just fly?
3. Athens, Greece – Ankara, Turkey…again, is the best option to fly? Has anyone done this type of connection?

Thanks to anyone who is willing to help—I’m a first timer. Plus, if anyone is feeling super helpful…I’d love to email you my itinerary for more detailed help with transportation. I’m finding this to be the toughest part insofar as needing to do it as cheaply as possible!