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Eurotrip's New Look
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[=“3”]We would love to hear your feedback regarding Eurotrip’s new format and look.

Please let us know what you think below.

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cuzzin E is not impressed
y is a little girl on the front picture?  Little girls don’t backpack alone.  I think it send the WRONG message.
Wat u need is a strong LEBANESE man wit a popped colla’, linebeard, a stylish D&G daypack and a 1/2 finished bottle of DOM. That say backpacking like nothing else cuz.
Cuzzin E also do not like the drop down menu. When browser not full size, you cannot pick just ‘forums’, but are forced to choose ‘fav places, nitelife, etc’

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and also, everytime one posts or replies, it automatically defaults to centre justification.  This is unislamic!

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I like the color but I think there is a lot of wasted space on the sides.  (The grey color area.)
When I clicked “Post a Reply” it  defaulted to centered text.
The menu buttons at the top of the page look good.  Where did you get the blue coloring or how did you get the fade?
Definately like the search field.

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I thought the centered text was a fault on my computer, yeah, that is strange.
Agree with the little girl, what was the idea behind having a small child alone on the home page.
The grey sides does make it lobsidded, is that for future advertising??
I think now the dark blue looks out of place,
apart from that it’s good, that is my 2 euro’s worth
keep up the good work

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I think it looks tacky.

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Yes, the center justification thing is, um,  a bit off-putting.
And the grey sides do seem like a waste of space.
I think the little girl backpacker is kinda cute though.

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if you can get me a panoramic shot of that, i may use it.

the current images will not stay long. they are essentially place holders until we can find better images. if any of you have images that you think would work well and don’t mind letting us use them please let me know and i will arrange to get them from you.

in terms of the menu. you can select just the forums… just click on it rather than the sub menu. all of the top level buttons are still links (this has not changed from about 2 months ago…)

i will check into the automatically center justification thing. i was unaware of that.

thanks for the feedback…


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we had a graphic designer put together the gradients for us.

to the people who are having problems with the center justification. are you all using IE? i am not having that problem with firefox, it is still happening though right?

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i can change the dark blue.

what do you mean be looking lopsided? the site is the same width it used to be, it is just centered with a border and a background image now. is there one side that has more space than the other on your screens?

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alright, i have changed the font color for the majority of the site.  i only did a quick change, so everything wont be changed, but it is better.
can i get confirmation that the center justify thing is no longer a problem…  i made a couple changes and i think the problem should be gone.

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in terms of the menu. you can select just the forums… just click on it rather than the sub menu. all of the top level buttons are still links (this has not changed from about 2 months ago…)

That’s fine… if you view your browser full-screen. For us that resize our windows, whenever you hover the mouse over ‘forum’ the list appears forcing you to select one of the subforums, it doesn’t drop down but kind of in the middle.  ANd this has been a problem for over 2 months

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thats a little strange… not sure i totally understand what is happening, so bare with me.

just to start; what operating system, browser (with version) are you using?

so i am putting my browser window to full screen. i am then doing a mouse over of ‘forum’ and the sub menu list should appear. at this point if i just click on ‘forum’ instead of going into the drop down it should take me to the front page of the form. is that happening for you?

next, in terms of the drop down (submenu). is it directly under the ‘forums’ menu option. on mine the drop down is directly under and its left side is aligned with the left side of the parent menu. is this working the same way for you? if not, are all the menu items acting the same way? if it is not right under the parent menu, can you even mouse to it without the submenu going away?



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using ie6
Okay, using full screen, when hovering over the forum menu the list drops down below ‘FORUM’, allowing the user to click on ‘FORUM’ for the general listing, or selecting one of the subforums from below.  That’s fine.
But when you resize your browser, say 50% of the full-size, when you hover over FORUM the drop-down menu doesn’t drop down below as it should, but the menu stretches above & below, forcing you to select a subforum.  Not a big deal, but a minor annoyance

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ok, i understand. thanks for that. i will see if i can figure out a way to stop it from doing that. on my ‘fake’ version of ie6 (i am emulating it on my linux machine) it does not happen. my windows ie7 does not seem to have that problem (which i also test with), so i missed that.

thanks for taking the time to explain it… Smile

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the light blue (topic titles) is not as easy to read as the dark blue
can you please change it back

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I agree, there is something not very appealing about the shade of blue.

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I’ve got a problem with the size of the reply block.  It extends too far to the right and the cursor does not follow into the extreme right section of the page.  Everything between the “g” in right and the word “page” is out of view and I can’t scroll into that area of the page.  Anybody else have the problem or have a solution? I don’t get a slider bar along the bottom to move over.  Later:  It works alright in Internet Explorer (when I close the favorites bar along the left) but not with foxfire.

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did that start recently? i did something to fix the firefox version and i was pretty sure that it wasnt a problem in IE. what browser are you using and what operating system?



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Yes, I think it just started today — maybe yesterday.  I’m not sure when I was using the lap top, which is where I have the problem.

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Who cares??

Those of us remember the days of wildcat and using the command prompt to read email.

Quit whinging ya bunch of gays !

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I think the new format is fine.  I like it, and it’s easy to post & reply..

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Today when I posted a reply (and it is doing it now too) my reply box extended off the screen… but no scroll bar at the bottom. So when I type  there are about  6-5 words I am unable to see until I post the message.  I’m using Mozilla.

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Forums are centered using Opera 9. Not a problem, just seems smaller, and sides empty as if google ads should be there or something.

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ok, i just changed the code back to the way it was before. i had changed it specifically for firefox to stop the reply box from expanding outside the window. let me know if the problem of the reply box being too wide without scroll bars is fixed.



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as another side note. my reply box now goes outside the window in firefox (but i am using linux, so it could be different for you guys). if we continue to have the problem i will make my change again. the browser could be caching the old code, so if you did not do a refresh when you hit the forums it may not have been using the code change i had done yesterday.



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the sizing hasn’t actually changed. the reason it probably seems smaller is because i now have a border and a background image outside the main content area.

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I don’t have a nitpicky techical problem with the new site I’m just not lovin’ the new design.  It seems kind of corporate, cold, and sad.  If I had access to graphic designers, etc. I would definitely put together somthing a little bit more kicky and youthful since this is your target audience.  Anyway, my 2 cents – I guess if you like simple and gray this isn’t so bad.

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With Firefox (2.0) the reply window extends beyond the edge of the frame on the right by about 8-10 symbols.
It’s easy work around, but kind of annoying.

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this is what i was trying to fix before, people said it still was like that after i changed it so it worked on my machine. i think it may have been because they had not reloaded the page and it was cached. i have just changed it back to the way i had changed it to before. could i have a couple people please test it for me with firefox.

this is the test case i need tested.

  • refresh the page.
  • click on the reply button on this post.
  • tell me if the whole text area is visible.



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this is what i was trying to fix before, people said it still was like that after i changed it so it worked on my machine. i think it may have been because they had not reloaded the page and it was cached. i have just changed it back to the way i had changed it to before. could i have a couple people please test it for me with firefox.

this is the test case i need tested.
  • refresh the page.
  • click on the reply button on this post.
  • tell me if the whole text area is visible.


Nope! For a moment the reply area shows up normal size, but then immediately extends beyond the right margin just as yesterday.

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Also notice how weird do the bullets look in your post and in the quote…

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the text area on my browser (firefox) is fixed (as of last night).

ya i need to restyle the bullets. the style got overridden and i need to fix them…



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the text area on my browser (firefox) is fixed (as of last night).
I’ve deleted cookies and cleared cash, just to be sure, but the problem is still here.
(It’s FireFox running on XP laptop.)

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ok, thanks. i will see see what i can do to fix it..

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The whole box is visible on all of the previous posts, but the reply box is much wider and still extends beyond the edge of the screen — however it wraps just 1 or 2 letters after the edge of the screen, so it’s MUCH better — just a minor annoyance.  I couldn’t see the last four or five words before.


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as a work around until i get this fixed. you can do the following to make sure that you can see the whole text area. when the page loads the textarea will be too wide for the screen. make your window a little smaller and the text area will adjust to fit inside that window. i know its a pain, but it helps. i am going to see if i can figure out a way to fix it now.

thanks for all the help on this one,


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I am having trouble figuring out what is wrong here.  It is working in all the browsers that I have tested now.  You guys are not on Macs are you?  I dont have a Mac to test on, so that is the only setup that I am really not sure about.  I just tested on Firefox 2.0 on windows and it is working correctly.



Edit: Remember to reload the page before you click on Reply.  That may help for some of you…

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just fixed the problem with the bullets…

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Small idea.  We don’t need a separate button to login and logout.  The last design had one button that toggled from login to logout and back as needed.
The top of the page seems to be a little cluttered with all the buttons and the signup for the free newletter.

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The whole box is visible on all of the previous posts, but the reply box is much wider and still extends beyond the edge of the screen — however it wraps just 1 or 2 letters after the edge of the screen, so it’s MUCH better — just a minor annoyance.  I couldn’t see the last four or five words before.

  I still have the same problem.  While it’s only a letter or two that’s missing, when I resize the window, the problem gets worse and goes back to the 5 or 6 words missing problem.  I’ve just switched to using IE on the laptop.

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ya i am planning on working on cleaning up the top of the page. we migrated to a different forum software when that change happened. it is not quite as easy to do on this forum software, but i will try to make that work a little better.

in that regard. do you think it would be ok to just have a ‘login’ button (so as you said, toggle the login, logout button) instead of having the actual form at the top. i think i can clean up the top a lot if i kill that form and the newsletter signup. i will also probably change the buttons a bit and see if i can clean up the whitespace in that area as well.

let me know what you think of that idea.

thanks for the feedback,


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what resolution is your desktop? is it at least 800×600? the text area should be a set width of 575 pixels now, so as long as you have enough screen real estate it ‘should’ work (theoretically).


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I’m having the same problem using foxfire on the desk top.  I haven’t tried Internet Explorer on the desk top as, at least with the old site, I couldn’t type in the reply box using IE.

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ya i recently was testing in IE and found that kind of confusing. i would reply to a thread and click on the text area and no cursor would show up. i was kind of confused, but i figured i would just start typing to see if it actually had focus and as soon as i did the cursor showed up and text was being typed. thats probably not the same problem you had, but i found that strange.

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I like the new look except for the gray borders. They are too big

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ya i recently was testing in IE and found that kind of confusing. i would reply to a thread and click on the text area and no cursor would show up. i was kind of confused, but i figured i would just start typing to see if it actually had focus and as soon as i did the cursor showed up and text was being typed. thats probably not the same problem you had, but i found that strange.
  I don’t get a cursor using foxfire, but I can type in the box and the cursor shoes up.  If I use IE on the desktop, there’s no cursor AND I can’t type in the reply box at all.

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Hey Will,

That glitch with reply field being too wide in Firefox is still present. Your workaround (reducing the window’s width) does the trick, but it’s annoying to use it all the time.


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sorry this has taken me so long to figure out. i was trying to change it using styling rather than digging around in the code for the forum its self, but the forum styles were being set with javascript, so it kept overriding the styles i was setting.

i think i have fixed the problem now. if you guys can confirm that for me that would be great.



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Yep, looks normal at last!

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sweet, glad to hear it. thanks again…

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