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Ireland / wales / Scotland / Northern IReland
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This is my Second Backpacking tour. The first I wen London, Brussels, Koln, Bern, Zurich, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, The Amalfi coast, And Paris. Here I am, ready and rearing to go on my second back packing tour, with three friends. We have about 3 weeks, (time not exactly specified yet) And we were going to to to Ireland, Wales, Scotland And Northern Ireland. The Idea is to Start in Dublin and go from there. And Ideas? Where are “Must go” places??

I Should also mention that I have been to both Wales and Ireland Before. In Wales I hit up Swansea, and In Ireland I went to Cork, and Kerry. I don’t mind revisiting, but will going back “west” really be a good idea?

Last, whats the best way to get around these areas? I have not rented a car in Europe so I dont exactly know where to start. Any ideas would be wonderful!!!


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I am leaving from Boston with $3000 for 29 days
London, Brussels, Cologne, Zürich, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Berne, Paris, London
Requesting help with Transport, Hostels, Budget, Itinerary, Nightlife, Food, Sights
I have budgeted $1000 for 14 days
Dublin, Belfast, Donegal, Galway
Requesting help with Transport, Hostels, Budget, Itinerary, Nightlife, Food, Sights
I am traveling for 15 days
Dublin, Edinburgh
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So the trip you have listed is already done?
And you are unsure of when are you leaving on this second trip?

We rented a car for much of our UK visits. We reserved it before we left.
I’ll just list some places I really liked that fall within your destinations. Others may offer different advice. I’ve never been to Northern Ireland.

In Ireland:
Cliffs of Moher
Galway (go out to the pubs for live music)
Day trips from Dublin:

In Wales:
Talley Abbey

Glasgow (great nightlife/music scene)
Stirling (preferred Stirling Castle to Edinburgh Castle)
The Whisky Trail
West coast, Plockton, Applecross Peninsula
Inverewe Gardens