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Meeting up!
Thu, 09/07/2006 - 18:01
I think the thread about meeting up got lost somewhere in the 6 pages of another post. So lets keep this one clean and only for people’s actual times in Munich for the Fest. And if they want their email to contact them for a meet up time and place.
I will be there from noon on the 20th to the night of the 26th. This is my fourth fest with a total of approximately 21 days experience haha. I am travelling along as usual. None of my friends seem to have the travel bug. I know 3 years ago I met up With Sunskin and had a pretty good time for a couple days. Anyone want to meet up during the above time send me an email at macleodb@hotmail.com
(I am a 31 year old Canadian Male with a love of Beer
Arriving: 9/17 (Sun)
Departing: 9/21 (Thur)
Plan to hook up with Sunskin the evening of the 17th between 22:00-23:00 at the pub (#88 Schwanthaler)
I will be arriving/departing the same dates as ESPO. Also, we will be meeting at the usual spot (#88 Schwantlaher) between 1145 & 1200 noon on Montag (18.9.06), then we will trot-over to the Augustiner (1st) choice) or Paulaner (2nd) choice to grab a table for a few hrs.. I will post my Travel Cell # on Thursday or Friday of next week…
Will meet up with Sunskin at # 88 Sunday niight or Monday…
I’ve assembled a sort of Itinerary, although I am normally not the kind of person who uses one…. But, I have to meet-up with several people, and take advantage of some free (5-star) amenities at my hotel at certain times. So, I must have some sort of game plan, subject to change, of course!
SONNTAG (17.9.06)
1000: Breakfast, swimming, Spa at Hotel…
1200: Meet-up at Schwanthaler Str. # 88 with Euro-trippers
1300: Party at the Augustiner, Paulaner, or Hacker-Pschorr zelt (wherever we can fit!)
1400 to 2000: Party!
2000 to 2200: Have a few beers, dance, sing at the pub.
2330: Dinner reservations at Trader Vic’s.
MONTAG (18.9.06)
0900: Breakfast & Spa treatment at the Hotel. (Rooftop pool, etc.)
1200: Meet-up with Euro-trippers at # 88 Schwanthaler.
1300: Pick a different zelt, drink more mas!
1700: Hang-out with my friends at the Weinzelt for a few hrs.
2000: Possible trip (on foot) to the Augustiner Keller or Hofbrauhaus for a bit…
2200: Possible stop-by the pub again… Perhaps the Irish Pub (near the Frauenkirche) instead??
2345: Jazz and/or Comedy Club time!
DEINSTAG (19.9.06)
0900: Breakfast at or near hotel. Walk-around a bit.
1100: Track-down those Euro-trippers who just got into town, etc.
1300: Back to the Fest grounds, perhaps Weinzelt, Auggie, and some other tent (Hippodrom?) a bit later in the day..
1700: Play it by ear… Go where the wind takes us!
2100: Stop-by the Pub one more time.
2200 to 2359: Dinner at Palais Keller or Trader Vic’s…
** I will definately be posting my local Travel/GPS cell # in 4 or 5 days…
I have an itinerary too
Arrive on the 20th wheneve my train gets in.
Check into Hostel
Start Drinking
Depart on the 27th…
Normally, mine is similar to that one… Still, it may change, and become more like Walshy’s!!!! However, they are charging me a ton for this hotel suite, so I am going to take advantage of a few amenities that are included, etc.
So Sun you will be around on the 20th…We should meet up although I am not sure exactly what time I will get in (should be noon) and get checked into my hostel! I won’t be carrying a cell but I can meet you somewhere by say 3pm.
I will have to make a decision at the last moment. The airline has assured me that they have seats, and will only charge me $75 to $100 to make a change. This means I would be departing at 10:15 a.m. on 9/21 instead of 9/20. However, I have to wait & see if another guy at work can cover me the extra day, and he will not be certain of this until the weekend (9/17) or so… Otherwise, I would get into JAX at about 1745 hrs, get home at 1845 (if I am lucky), and have to be at work in three hrs or so. I always want to have that 24 to 36 hour "detox" buffer before returning to work…
SS: Try to stay until the 21st..that’s when we’re leaving. MUC-JFK @ 3:20pm. I like the late flight cause it gives us the opportunity to sleep in, have breakfast & maybe even toss a few back before heading to the airport. Also, we can tie one on the night before & not worry about having to be at the airport too early. Safe travel brother..I’ll see you on Sunday.
I am certainly going to try and work that out. The plan for now is to only ne in Munchen for about 72 hours (Sun. to Weds. morning), but I am working-on making it a solid 99 hrs, with a slightely later out-going flight on 9/21… I do have Free accomodations, should I get to stay till 9/21.. However, I am treating this like I do most things in life… I am not going to count on it, then get my hopes up, etc. If it happens – bonus! If not, I will make the 72 to 74 hours in the City of Munchen count for sure!!!
Ok so Sunskin in case I don’t get your number before you leave just send me an email I will be checking it every day at the Easy Internet place. Anyone else ditto.
And I hope to run into some of ya.
Walshy: Best e-mail addy for me while travelling is:
Der official countdown: Well, screw the countdown! We are such sort-timers now, we can count the # of hours in hops & barley bushals! I am departing tomorrow afternoon!!!
ESPO & Others: My Travel Cell phone number while in Munchen is…
(44) 79 175 44833
See you in a little over 24 hrs!
Yeah newbie here I’m gonna be in Italy that week and am hopping a train up for the 23 and 24 trying to get my first Oktoberfest in! any suggestions?
Sunskin (or anyone else around): I am in Munich and attempted to meet you at the schwantaler pub on Sun at 1140h, but the publican was so unhelpful and unfriendly I was disgusted. I would appreciate if you could name a prcise meeting place on Tuesday any time after 1200, and name a time and allow 10 mins after. It would be good to meet you and join you for a while. Please email me at
peterw AT yahoo.com, and I’ll log on on Tues morn.
peterwestwind AT yahoo.com
Ok. Now I understood it was Monday and not Tuesday. Should had read the thread earlier. Lets hope our paths meet again in 07.