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Men's Suit Issue
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Hi All,

I’m heading out to Europe for two weeks in August for a wedding and need ideas on how to pack a suit without actually having to use a garment suitcase and what not. I was thininking of getting the Asolo Navigator 70 and folding up the suit in the travel pack. Any input would be appreciated.

Also my itenary is here, any advice on what to see and eat? And if anyone will be around in those areas let me know I would be interested in travelling with one or two people.

I am leaving from Los Angeles with $3000 for 18 days
Barcelona, Narbonne, Toulouse, Pau, Donostia, Madrid
Requesting help with Food, Sights
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Roll it. No matter what you do, you’re probably going to have to de-wrinkle it, anyway, but rolling it as the outer layer is what I would do to help keep wrinkles to a minimum. Same for the shirt. Lay it out flat, stack other shirts and pants on it neatly, then roll it all up, smoothing wrinkles as you go. The bad thing about this is you’ll have to unroll it, and re-do it, every day. An advantage is that it will help you get more stuff in your pack. If you’ve got a lot of clothes, then you might have to do 2 similar sized rolls to fit well in your pack.

As far as de-wrinkling… hang it up near shower steam for 10-15 minutes. In addition, or alternatively, try it in a dryer on low heat (depending on the fabric) with a damp towel.

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Thanks for the rolling idea. I’m going to give that a go.

I am leaving from Los Angeles with $3000 for 18 days
Barcelona, Narbonne, Toulouse, Pau, Donostia, Madrid
Requesting help with Food, Sights
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See if you can find a small can of “wrinkle free” at the supermarket, big box or a travel store. The spray is great for smoothing out wrinkles in clothing. It’s perfect for this kind of situation where you have one “outfit” that needs to be “ironed.” Take a permanent press shirt and make sure it’s not wrinkled before you roll or fold it for packing. Steam and/or “wrinkle free” will take out the wrinkles from packing but they aren’t a substitute for actually ironing a shirt that comes out of the dryer needing to be ironed.