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Moving to UK from US?? Help!!
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I went to school in the UK last year on an exchange program last year, and am now considering moving to London to work. What are the steps to get a work visa?? How long does it take? How hard is it?? Basically any help would be appreciated Smile

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all i know is that it is virtually impossible. to get a work permit for the uk, a job over there has to prove that no one in the uk could do the job they want to hire you for. so maybe if you’re a highly respected brain surgeon or something, you could get one. sorry to not have better news.

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I think your best bet would be to go through BUNAC ( and purchase a 6 month working permit. You can take any kind of job on this permit. Lots and lots of Americans do this and the office in London is very helpful. Do lots of research before you go to the UK on where you want to apply. If you get yourself established and do a great job for 6 months, your company may want to keep you and be willing to sponsor you. If you don’t do BUNAC or another program like it, it may be very difficult to get a job applying from the USA as a non-EU person because there are so many other people that employers can hire without the hassle of sponsorship. So get your foot in the door with a 6 month visa and make a company want to keep you! Are you looking for a specialized job? Search for large int’l companies that do the work permit sponsorship all the time. Good luck!