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Need help getting from Rome to Istanbul
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I’m so glad I found this forum. This is my first trip and I’ve found the hardest part is deciding how I’m actually going to reach these locations. Looking at a map is fine, but in practice I’m clueless. So, eurotrip members, please help me reach the following locations. I’m open to any suggestion. I’m backpacking and I don’t have a ton of money, but I don’t want to lose days of my trip taking a route that would have been faster, but slightly more expensive.

I’ve already got my round trip plane ticket from the states to Rome and in 30 days I want to visit the following:

Pompeii (via train to Naples?)
Ithaki, Greece
Olympia, Greece
Athens, Greece
Istanbul, Turkey (the black sea?)

What would you recommend?

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I should add that I was thinking of taking my time from Rome to Athens, by train and then ferry, but then getting a one way in advance from Athens to Rome. That way I could save some travel time, but still see the Italian countryside on the way there.

I was also considering taking a boat from Naples to Tunisia just for a few days. Mainly because I’d like to go on a camel trek. If you’ve done this I’d appreciate any feedback, especially about how long the boat ride is and how much it cost.

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Getting from Athens to Istanbul will be difficult and/or expensive. I’d look for a cheap flight. Use to see which budget airlines fly which routes and check our “cheap flights” forum for more tips and help.