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New York and DC Hostelling International
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Hi! I wrote this review for the sites I used to research my trip and thought it would be nice if I put it here as well. Was in NY and DC for 10 days and just got back. Based on my own research and advice from the the Thorntree, I stayed at the Hostelling International in NY and Washington, DC. The HI-NY was excellent! I had a 4-bed room for US$35. I initially booked for 3 nights (just wanted to check the place out) and booked another 4 nights since I liked it so much. I saved so much instead of staying in a cheapish $60-80 hotel. It was very clean, had all the facitilities you would expect with a nice coffee shop to boot. It was also nice that the staff seemed to give me roommates who were the same age bracket as I was. I was dreading any post-high school/college party girls in my room who would wake me up at some godforsaken hour. Instead, I roomed with more mature girls like me Smile. The airconditioning was strong and lovely after a day of walking and it was nice to sit out in the garden (with table and chairs, complete with small fountain) with a soda, planning the next days’ adventure. It’s a block away from the 103rd stop of the 1,9 subway and a block away from the post office. I found some great pizza places nearby also. The other reviews are so true…you get to see New Yorkers living their lives instead of being stuck in a hotel/tourist area.
The HI in Washington was a lot smaller and 4 big blocks away from Metro Center Station. It was also pretty clean and had the usual facilities but the airconditioning was awful! The compressor would turn on maybe once every 5-10 minutes so pretty much, it was a central fan. Proof that it wasn’t adequate was that they provide an electric fan with the room. I stayed in a 10-bed room (they have 4-bed rooms but those are co-ed) but it wasn’t so bad since the room is divided into little alcoves. It felt like I was in a 3-4-bed room instead (ingenious). They had a continental breakfast proviede – translated to coffee, juice and a muffin.
All in all though, I was satisfied with both hostels and would definitely stay there again. Moreso with the NY hostel since I can compare it to the excellently run hotels and hostels I stayed at in Europe and Australia.