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The Packing List

Packing Tip

Start here, but remember that packing is personal and you will need to add, subtract, and change this list according to your own needs. Below are the basics for cooler temperatures.

  • 1 Carry on Duffel Bag
  • 6 T-shirts
  • 6 Pairs of underwear
  • 8 Pairs of Socks
  • 1 Jacket
  • 1 Pair of Jeans
  • 1 Pair of Pants (khakis, etc)
  • 2 Sweaters
  • 2 Sweatshirts
  • 1 Button Down Shirt
  • 1 Bottle of Febreeze
  • 1 Small Bottle of Shampoo
  • 1 Razor Blade
  • 1 Soap
  • 1 Brush
  • 1 Towel (thin cotton)
  • 1 Money Belt
  • 1 Health insurance card
  • 1 Driver License
  • 1 Passport
  • 1 ATM Card
  • 2 Credit Card(s)
  • 1 Destination info packet (Guide book, Lang. Book, etc)
  • 1 Reading Book
  • 1 Padlock
  • 1 Large Envelope
  • 1 Camera (with film/memory cards)
  • 1 Pen and Notebook
  • 2 Pairs of Shoes
  • 1 Photocopy of passport
  • 1 Pair Earplugs
  • 1 Pocket Knife
  • 1 Windbreaker/Rain Coat

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I love the packing list! But I always loose ear plugs while traveling. One falls on the floor of the bus and rolls somewhere and I never see it again. I would bring at least 2 pairs of earplugs. Or you could always buy more as you go!

Thanks for sharing your personal list. Justin and I are still sorting out exactly what we will bring in our backpacks when we leave on 09-30-08. We are going to backpack and explore various countries for a year or so. I would love to know any or all advice to us.

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I modified this list slightly and used everything and felt like I forgot nothing:

  • 1 33 liter Backpack
  • 6 T-shirts
  • 6 Pairs of underwear
  • 7 Pairs of Socks
  • 2 Pair of Jeans
  • 1 Button Down Shirt (never used)
  • 1 Gore-Tex Shell
  • 1 Soft Shell Fleece
  • 1 Small Bottle of Hair and Body wash
  • 1 Razor
  • 1 Brush
  • 1 Towel (thin cotton)
  • 1 Money Belt (never used)
  • 1 Health insurance card
  • 1 Driver License
  • 1 Passport
  • 1 ATM Card
  • 1 Credit Card
  • 1 Padlock
  • 1 Large Envelope
  • 1 Pen and Notebook
  • 1 Pair of leather dress shoes
  • 1 Pair of Crocs
  • 2 Photocopies of passport/health card/drivers license/credit card (one for my backpack and one for my camera bag)
  • 1 iPhone & Charger
  • 1 Laptop & Charger (dont take it, its too heavy and with the iphone, i never used it).
  • 1 Europe-to-North American power adapters

I took a pretty extensive collection of Digital SLR gear with me too:

  • 1 Camera bag (fit on my backpacks waist belt with belt loops)
  • 1 Small (4’ extended) tripod
  • 1 Pentax K10D Digital SLR
  • 1 50mm f1.7 MF lens
  • 1 24mm f2.8 MF lens
  • 1 28-210mm f3.5-5.6 MF lens
  • Charger, Memory cards, Polarizers, etc…

In terms of camera gear. I would have enjoyed my 18-55mm lens because of the 18mm range…

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Water Shoes:
A lot of beaches” in europe are more rocky than sandy (i.e. Greece, Cannes, etc.). You’ll need them for swimming in many places

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For Europe you should add suncream, possibly a sunhat and a swimming costume (most Europeans don’t mind topless sunbathing but ot in the sea)

Also a scarf or bandana can be handy, can be used for; scarf if cold, tie hair back, securing items or holding food. They don’t take up much space but have 101 uses.

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These are great lists. I was having the feeling that I was packing too light, but after scanning and re-scanning this list since I have been on this site….Im pretty sure Im good to go!

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I’m just wondering do you need a sleeping bag while backpacking?

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I have few questions: – What is the large envelope for? – Is your driver license really important? It’s not an accepted proof. Only the Passeport is.

I also added to my list: – 1 swimsuit – 1 pair of plastic sandals (for the shower)

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Im going to europe for 36 days next june with my b/f, anyone have any tips for female packing.. what should i really take and what i shouldnt… i cant imagine only taking a few pairs of clothes,lol, so any advice would be really helpfull. thanks

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bengy, this summer I was on a remote island in the Pacific ocean with only 2 pairs of pants and 2 shorts, 7 shirts, a few pairs of socks, about a dozen underwear, and a rainjacket. For an entire month, without any of the modern amenities you’ll have access to in Europe, like clothing stores and washing machines. I had to handwash my clothes in a bucket with rainwater, so I re-wore everything at least twice before washing (except undies of course).
I would recommend not taking too many clothes and things because it will just get heavy and your back will hurt and you won’t have any room for souvenirs!
Personally, when I go places, my souvenirs are either really small things like postcards which pack flat, or clothes I can wear while still there AND when I’m back home. So pack little and then buy some souvenir clothes in Europe. they don’t have to be cheesy with the name of the city blazing across it, I personally have several items I bought in Paris last year which don’t say “PARIS FRANCE” on them (well, one does) but when people ask me where I got them, I have the satisfaction to say, “Oh I got this in Paris, do you like it?” Europe is ahead of the fashion trend over the US anyway, so you’ll be getting a leg up on next season.
Plus, no one really knows that you are re-wearing something (I just wouldn’t wear something back-to-back, give it a little time to air out from the day before, esp if it is hot where you are). even in pictures later, if your clothes all sort of look alike, dark collared shirts and khakis for example, no one’s going to notice “OMG you’re wearing the same blue polo on day 2 in Paris as you are in day 4!!” LOL. Hope this helps!

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Swill nice edited list Smile good details!

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My daughter & I are backpacking Europe for 4 weeks (in May & June). This is our list (for the female side):

2 Pants that zipper off into shorts (very light weight)
1 Pair of Shorts
1 Sun dress
2 Short sleeve blouses
3 T-shirts
3 Tank tops
6 Socks
7 Underwear
2 Bras
1 Swimsuit
1 Jacket
1 Disposable Raincoat
1 Comfortable walking shoes
1 Flip flops
1 Small bag of jewelry
1 Towel & wash cloth (quick dry & light)
1 Shampoo & conditioner (small)….can buy more there
1 Body wash (small)…can buy more there
1 Disposable razor
1 Pen & pad
1 Padlock
1 Camera & charger
1 iPhone & charger
1 Power adapter
1 Sheet protector (we’ll primarily be staying in hostels)
1 Bag of makeup
1 Bag of facial cleansers
1 Sunblock
1 Chapstick
1 Small First-aid kit
1 Small flashlight
1 Pack Handiwipes
1 Pair ear plugs
1 Book
1 Small daypack (to use for souvenirs & day trips when we’ve locked the backpack away)
1 ATM card
1 Credit card
1 Health card
1 Money belt (I’ve never ever used 1 before but this is my first backpacking adventure & everyone keeps saying we need them)
1 Driver’s License
1 Passport
1 Eurail Pass
1 Photocopy of ATM Card/Credit Card/Passport/Driver’s License/Eurail Pass/Health Card
1 Sunglasses
1 Reading glasses (yea, my eyes are old) Frown

We’ll wear jeans to travel & some of that on the list will be divvied up between our packs. I plan on buying a travel size hairdryer there so I don’t have to worry about frying one on an adapter like I did my last trip to Italy.

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Ooooo…..left these must have’s off:

1 Toothbrush & toothpaste
1 Deodorant

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I have a point-and-shoot camera and a DSLR camera. I would LOVE to bring the DSLR camera to take higher-quality shots (I am traveling for 8 weeks), but my only concern is the risk of having it stolen. What do you think? Is it safe as long as I am careful about where I store it and how I lock it up when I am leaving it in a hostel?


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I wouldn’t recommend bringing anything that you couldn’t bear to lose (get stolen). You could lock it in the lockers in most bus stations though when not using the camera.

Also, I’d recommend a travel adapter if you are bringing any rechargeable electronics. I have a razor that is dual voltage. If you don’t have one, ask anyone that has lived or traveled in Europe (i.e. any of us military types have had to learn quickly).

Also, recommend microfiber bathtowels…take little room and dry quickly. Recommend sythetic everything for handwashing when needed (UnderArmour, Nike DryFit, etc).

All weather writing pads are awesome. (Won’t be ruined if your pack happens to get wet and come in all sizes.)

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I wouldn’t recommend bringing anything that you couldn’t bear to lose (get stolen). You could lock it in the lockers in most bus stations though when not using the camera.

Also, I’d recommend a travel adapter if you are bringing any rechargeable electronics (your camera?). I have a razor that is dual voltage and would recommend bringing dual voltage electronics if needed…power transformers are usually bulky and heavy. If you don’t have an adapter or voltage transformer, ask anyone that has lived or traveled in Europe (i.e. any of us military types have had to learn quickly).

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All this advice is so helpful we leave in two weeks and we are still trying to figure out the packing lol yay I know we are going to forget something !

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what’s the envelope for?

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Razor Blade and Pocket Knife? Are these travel friendly thru europe? Bus’s, Trains, ect…..?????? I don’t want to take it there and I get arrested or something.

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As long as it’s a safety razor, (the kind you buy in a 12-pack at target/walmart) it’s fine. You can even carry those on airplanes now.

Pocket knives I’m not sure about. I know people bring them all the time (in checked luggage on the plane) so I guess it’s not a big deal on trains and stuff. I know they don’t do metal detectors and stuff at train stations like they do at the airports.

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thanks for the info, that’s awsome.

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Travelling to Europe in January are we needing to pack a sleeping bag for hostels?

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I found no need for any extra bed gear at the hostels we stayed in.

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Most hostels don’t allow sleeping bags, as they can easily carry bedbugs. You may want a sleeping sheet (silk or cotton) for extra warmth but if you pick a highly rated place, they will probably provide you with blankets for free.

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Shanks Smile

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i love the person who asked why we need envelopes!

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you fit this all in a 33l bag?

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Thanks for the info. Its so funny how everyone was saying pack 7-10 days worth of clothes and just do laundry. I was planning on doing that even before I joined this site. Then I joined and read it, and it made me feel better, because I’m not gonna have as much to carry around. Smile

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hahaha seriously, what are they for? :~