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playing music in europe
Sat, 03/05/2005 - 23:09
my band and i are planning a trip to europe and plan to play music on street corners and such to make some extra cash. has anyone ever done it? does it work? dose it require a working visa? ect. well any input would be apreciated thanx
busking is really common in major European cities such as amsterdam/paris. But unforunatly it’s illegal in some countries like Switzerland/Austria. in Germany/Belgium, there are sometimes crack downs on buskers. Most countries require a municipal permit, but these can be hard to find.
Good Luck!
thank you for that bit of info i will definitley look into that. the reason i ask is because on a recent trip through italy i noticed a lot of people doing it and thaught it was a good idea. well thanx again.
Dublin, London, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Athens, Prague, Munich, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki
Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Athens
Copenhagen, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Venice, Florence, Nice, Barcelona, Seville, Gibraltar, Paris, London, New York, Las Vegas, California, New York, Honolulu, Copenhagen
Liverpool, Paris, Barcelona, Ibiza Town, Nice, Vatican, Prague
Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Madrid
Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Munich, Zürich, Cologne, Florence, Rome, Naples
Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Berlin, Prague, Munich, Zürich, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome
Istanbul, Budapest, Vienna, Munich, Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, Dublin
Manchester, Amsterdam, Boom
Paris, Madrid, Lisbon, Málaga, Barcelona, Milan, Rome, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, London
Interlaken, Geneva, Brussels, Amsterdam
Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Lyon, Zürich, Berlin, Brussels, London, Dublin
Paris, Lyon, Sanremo
Paris, Brussels, Berlin, London
Paris, Lyon, Zürich, Berlin, Brussels
Paris, Berne, Milan, Venice, Innsbruck, Munich, Augsburg, Prague, Wrocław, Poznań, Berlin, Hanover, Amsterdam, Brussels, Calais
Barcelona, Ibiza, Alicante, Córdoba, Granada, Málaga
London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Venice, Rome, Geneva
Rome, Zürich, Paris, London
Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Athens, Venice, Florence, Rome, Interlaken, Zürich, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Antwerp, Amsterdam
Marseilles, Barcelona, Bilbao, Santander, Corunna, Porto, Lisbon, Madrid, Bordeaux, Geneva
Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Rome
Lisbon, Gibraltar, Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, Toulon, Paris, Le Havre, Calais, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich, Berchtesgaden, Venice, Bologna, Florence, Pisa, Piombino, Rome, Naples, Messina, Marsala, Tunis
London, Amsterdam, Munich, Salzburg, Lucerne, Nice, Paris
well that sounds like a great idea i am definitley gona try it thaks alllllot
why would you talk to a cop with a bad italian accent but speak in english? DO you think this is a bugs bunny cartoon where everyone in France speaks perfect english but just goes "uh huh huh huh " after everything?
Hey Morte,
What kind of music do you play? I am headed to Europe for …. who knows how long and I was thinking of the "street performance" thing myself. I am a professional belly dancer and I would much prefer to perform with others then all by my lonesome.
Let me know if you would be interested in talking about "combining" talents…..I can dance to all kinds of music! With a sword on my head even!
lol. funniest thing i’ve heard all day.

well we will not be going until next summer when we have some money but if you are still there it would be awsome to ad some variation to our act we play just about every kind of rock n’ rool everything from black flag to bob marly.
this is tony, the drumer of the band, wondering if anyone has packed a snair drum with them. Wondering how to set it up.
and to badriya, i think we could really gather a croud with you preforming with us! we should really keep in touch. our band email is
" stopforadollar@gmail.com " make sure to contact us.
tonyHey, if you are a professional, I strongly suggest you to check out the Avignone Street Performers Festival, which is help in Avignone (France) each July (or June? cannot remember..). IT is a really big festival dedicated to all street arts and you can surely get some attention and a very lively environment there. However, I advice you to check out with the festival management well ahead and eventually enroll into the programme since they may be hard ass with non registered individuals (so it was some time ago, now i do not know).
I must say I do not suggest it too much to a single busker, but maybe for a band would be ok. The problem is to get enough attention from people since music is sort of old news when there are fire eaters ready to set your straw hat on fire… But maybe as a band you could attract more attention and money…
check it out!
ya man, i lived in Swizland for my hole life. One of the best way to get mony is to ask from people ar play music in the corners of the street. I still know alot of poepel there if you want to stay a night and you dont have money just ask me and i will give you some infoe were you can stay. one big tip dont be sercastic with poeple unless you really know them well.
All right band boys! Hopefully I won’t have failed miserably on my "moving the Europe" adventure, and will still be there when you are. So the summer of 2006 – not 2005, right? I’ll keep in touch if you do the same, my email is bariyabeledi@yahoo.com. Web site to come soon….
And "the voice in my head," thanks for the input – I very well might check that out.
"ya man, i lived in Swizland for my hole life. One of the best way to get mony is to ask from people ar play music in the corners of the street. I still know alot of poepel there if you want to stay a night and you dont have money just ask me and i will give you some infoe were you can stay. one big tip dont be sercastic with poeple unless you really know them well."
cool maby we can hook up if you don’t miend hangin out with a few teenage american rock fanatics for a while. so where do you live in Swizland? and is busking somewhat legal and tolerated there?