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Run to the sun in April / May any ideas on where to start??
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Hey Everyone , im here for some good sound advice from all you prfessional jet setters !
my husband and I are giving good jobs up to escape the rat race . where both knocking Frown ad need to get of and explore the world while we still have the chance to do so .. Right thats the easy bit ,, where hoping to leave the UK April / May time and head from the Uk to France ,travel through France , spain , Italy and I then need to be in Romania in Aug for a chrity walk im doing .. So would it be easier for us the drive my car ? rail and public transport ? anyone any ideas on what we should be considering such as route and hidden costs ? were hoping to get work as we go , maybe on campsites .. we’ll consider anny work really as long as it pays .. we havent done anything like this before so its all a bit new , its excting as well as a tiny bit terrifying !!!
any advice would be appreciated