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San fermin 2004 and more
guapa's profile picture
Eurotrip Points: 66
Member: 571
Joined: 01/03/2007
User offline. Last seen 17 years 46 weeks ago.

I have rooms for the running of the bulls. Some right on the run itself with excellent views of the run. All within 2-5 minutes from the start of the run or to Plaza Castillo (most 1-2 minutes) Don’t be treated like cattle at the running of the bulls. For lots of info about San Fermin check out my site at www.pamplonaadventur… I also offer other trips as well. Starting in the spring I will be offering backpacking tours thru the basque country. I will also be offering a new book about running with the bulls that will be out very soon. I am happy to try and answer any and all questions you may have about Pamplona and the fiesta. I can help you jump right into the fiesta, the best places to party, best places to eat, where all the scheduled events are. I can get you balconies in the best places to watch the run from, I can assist you with bullfight tickets, we have a walking tour of the run everyday that is included in the cost of the accommodation. Everyone parties at different levels so there are no scheduled events except for the walking tour of the run. You are free to enjoy as you wish. I can accommodate people of all ages, last year I even had an 85 year old man that stayed with me and he had a blast. ( he was an amazing guy, even went into the square for the Txupinazo, a life long dream of 40 years) I can accommodate large groups or singles. I won’t try and dazzle you with bullshit, I will try and make your trip to pamplona a once in a lifetime trip. I have already started accepting reservation and offer a limited amount of places. I have several contacts in Pamplona so I am kept up to date about what is going on in Pamplona about the fiesta all year long. Come join me for a great time and a once in a life time experience. You can email me at”>