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Of everything I’ve read, Barcelona seems to be a favorite among the party cities in Spain, and that Madrid is heavily overrated.  Is this a legitimate claim?  Does anybody know of some cool smaller cities that would be fun to go to without the huge city scene?

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hey i was on here looking for places to party on my travels and came across your post. I am currently living in a little city in spain…valencia! I am studying abroad…i have only been here for a week…but the nightlife here is amazing!! great food…awesome little bars with cheap beer and chupitos (little shots) for 1 euro and the discotequas are awesom! for some you have to get on a tram and things but its a great city and the old part of it is beutiful in plaza de carmen which is on the old part of the city the partying is supposed to be crazy! I havent made my way over there yet but hopefully soon! just be ready to eat dinner at 11 or 12 go to the bar till 1 or 2 then be at the discotequa till 7 or 8!

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It may be a legitimate claim depending on what your idea of partying is. My impression was that Barcelona is more club scene while Madrid is more sophisticated. Both have many places to go out at night. Another place you might try is Granada, it’s a college town with great nightlife.