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Thailand and SE Asia
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Hello Everyone,
I posted here a while back and didn’t get much response so i am going to try again! I am arriving in Bangkok on Jan 1. I am going to catch the night train down to Koh Samui on the 2nd or 3rd. From samui i plan to take the Ferry over to Koh Phangan for the full moon party on the 5th. This will be my 4th full mooner so i know my way around the area. After the FMP i will head back to Samui for a week or so to do some scuba diving and to catch up with some old friends who live there. I’m not sure what to do then and am kind of open for anything. Maybe go to northern Thailand for a while. I would also like to go to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam for a while. I have 3 months to travel around the area. Im 21/m/Australia looking for similar aged people to travel with. Also any suggestions anyone could give would be appreciated.
Thanks Scott