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Tips wanted: Travelling to north of Corsica during Easter '09
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Just stumbled on your site looking for information on Corsica and have been here ever since reading about traveling (I was born with this incurable travel bug).

What I haven’t found is anything more detailed about Corsica?

I’m studying in south of France and my mom is popping over for Easter (the origin of my disease) and we are heading for Corsica. We are both super excited about this trip and I just can’t get enough information about this island !!!!

We will rent a car and take the ferry (already got the tickets). We will dock in Bastia (also leave) from the morning of 7th of April to the 11th. The idea is to drive around Cap Corse, head inland to Corte, drive down to Aleria and head up coast and catch the boat back. We will be bringing a tent and some sleeping bags and try to self-cater as much as possible. We don’t like to spend any money as we don’t have any

So I ask from your own experience:

What rental agency have you used and why?
What are the must-do’s and beware’s in the north-east of Corsica?
… basically anything that you can share first- or second hand information from this savage island?

(and maybe I should stop obsessing about this island and just go and experience?)

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