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Too Young to Travel Alone?
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My close friend and I are planning a huge trip to Europe next summer. Fresh out of high school, I’ll only be 17 and he’ll be 18. Ideally, it’ll be just us two so we’ll be free to pretty much go wherever and do whatever we want. My concern is that when I explain our plans to my parents, they’ll decide I’m still too young to go on extensive trips without at least one adult chaperone. It’s not like I’ll be all alone – we’ll watch each other’s back – and I’d like to think I’m a responsible enough teenager to handle it. It’s been almost a lifelong dream of mine to see Europe; although I’ve had opportunities to go with my school and local youth programs in the past, I’d much rather do it my own way, without being tied down by rules and regulations.

What do you guys think?

I am leaving from Denver, Colorado with $5000 for 25 days
Athens, Rome, Madrid, Toulouse, Paris, Brussels, London, Dublin
Requesting help with Transport, Hostels, Budget, Itinerary, Nightlife, Food, Sights