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transport in canda - US
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ok ill make this detailed so u dont need to ask ME questions just give me answers

i have no drivers lincense
no credit card (well not yet) coz im alil to young 19 (not that young but u know what banks are like)

i wont to know what the best way for me to travel around theses places would be

ill probably flight into los angeles
then move down around the coast and inland to las veges
then turn up making my way to vancouver and around places like banff jasper etc etc along the bottom from west to east of canada and then leave canada from toronto to somewhere on the east coast of america (close to the border) and flight home

i dont have any exact citiesor towns etc planned yet but i have a general idear of where i want and dont wont to go

i like the nature more then the cities but some places u just have to see at least once u your life

ill be doing this for 2 months and have look up greyhound buses but read alot of bad things about them …

money is a factor but i can let go of the budget if i need to for a flight (tho it’ll be expensive without a credit card)

illbe doing this solo (travelled solo before)
and being from australia im not scared of long boring bus train rides

any info im sure will be a great help