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What is your Tattoo?
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Hi everyone! I obviously love travelling like everyone else here,but I have been thinking about getting a tattoo that shows this. Do any of you have tattoos related to travel and if so can you explain what inspired you to get them? Thanks!

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A Sheep

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And you can email travel_serpent [url=“”]here[/url] to ask questions about that little trip.
savchica:  Are you going to want that tatoo in ten or twenty years?  I think not.

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your name on my ass

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Hey guys..actually  yeah I will want that tattoo in 10 or 20 years. If it has significant meaning to me…thanks for your replies,but my name on your ass probably wouldn’t

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I always said I would never get a tattoo, shit I don’t even have my ears pierced, but talking with some mates a few months ago, somehow (where it came from I will never know) I mentioned that I would get a cat tattoo (ok not travel I know), but that is something I would have forever and would never look out of place when I am pushing my zimmer frame in years to come,
Last year my sister got a divorce and the first thing she did was get a tattoo as ex hubby never liked them, in fact the Gypsie fair is in town this weekend and she is getting a second one 

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I’ve got 7 tattoo’s, although none have to do with travel. All I can say is make sure you REALLY want the tattoo. I love all of mine except for one, which I major regret.

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I am planning on a Facial Tatoo – just like Mike Tyson’s…  I understand the retarded, psychotic, convicted-felon, confused, crackhead, washed-up loser, idiot/klutz look is in for 2007!

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Still of the no way, no how thought.  There is no tatoo that I would put on  my body for any reason.

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I got one 6 months ago and absolutely love it. It’s an anklet with egyptian iconography, which is not travel related, but we could find it a travel meaning if we wanted. It’s got more of a spiritual meaning though. I understand some people would never get a tattoo and would insist on trying to discourage anyone from getting one, but it is a very personal thing, and many times it goes further than fashion. I like to consider them as life reminders of something we did/should do. I’m getting a second tattoo in a few weeks.

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there is a tattoo that i’ve always wanted that is travel related and i’d put it on the arch of my foot. I would either have a foot with wings to symbolize Hermes the greek god of travel, or I would have the word hermes written in greek characters.  I’m with you, the only thing that i’d ever put on my body would be something that I will love forever….and i will always love to travel!

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I’m Scottish (through ancestry), and ever since I went to Scotland and found my family crest I’ve always wanted to get that done, seeing that it would have family and travel meaning for me. Something like that would be nice!

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I have 50+ tatooos and I find that getting something inspired by where you have been is second best only ot getting something inspired by where you are from.  Yes they are perminant and you have a chance of regretting it.  But if you put enough thought in to it and choose the right design, artist etc, you may find that twenty years from know you can look down at you arm (or where ever) and think back on an amazing experince.

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Or you could just take a picture.

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My guns say “Nappy Headed Pimp.”

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I guess my tattoos are just a way of makign sure I never lose the picture. lol.

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My guns say “Nappy Headed Pimp.”

My guns have the roster of the Rutgers girls basketball team and their stats.

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got one while i was in Croatia…a heart behind my right ear…it has a meaning…but not really travel related..LOL