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Work and travel
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Hello everyone,

I am thinking of travelling for a few months to Europe in December or January, hope to be able to get some jobs that allow me to get to know, superficially, 4 or 5 countries. (the principal cities of, for example, Spain, France, Italy…)
I’m new in this and have no experience in working abroad, staying in hostels and that kind of stuff, so, I ask you for any help or advice that you could give me.
I’m 22, I’m a student and I’m an Argentinian, but I have also the Spanish nationality. I speak english, french, japanesse (not very usefull, i think), and, obviously, spanish.

Thank you very much, I’ll be waiting for your comments…

P.s.: Excuse me if my english is kind of rusty…

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Do you currently live in Argentina?


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Yes, I do.

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Hola!! En que parte vivis. Mi familia y yo nacimos en Argentina pero ahora estamos viviendo en Canada. Que buenos que queres ir a Europe. Nosotros fuimos por 2 meses y fue un viaje excellente.

The first thing I can say is to use your Spanish passport when you land. It will make things so much more easy. But you may need to use your passwort Argentino to leave home.

Second, try to think of what kind of trip you want to have. Do you want many jobs so you move around a lot or just a few and use them as a base? Think about that stuff.

Happy Travels

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Vendo mi

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You’re right about the passport, I’ve already been there once (In a tour, I went to many places but I really didn’t get to know any of them) and it made a lot of difference to be “member” of the E.U.
I was planning on staying in Spain for about half a month to make a few visits, but what I really want to do is to move around. Beside Spain, the only other destination I’m sure of is France (to practice my français) and perhaps England or Greece…

Vivo en Capital Federal, Buenos Aires. Es bueno saber que hay argentinos en otros paises que pudieron integrarse sin problemas. De donde era tu familia?
Gracias por tus consejos,


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I you want to move around a lot I am not sure you will have time to work. You could try things like bar tending. I would also recommend picking grapes in the fall but you are going in December. Other than that I am not sure of what kind of work you may want to do.

Nosotros venimos de un pueblo a dos horas de Cordoba en las Sierras Cordobesas. Pero como dije ahora estamos en Canada. Estuvimos aqui ya 12 anos.

Buena suerte

‘All men by nature desire knowledge.’ – Aristotle
Vendo mi

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Picking grapes? That sounds like fun, too bad I missed it, je je (laugh)
I guess bar tending is my best possibility, and even that I’m not sure I’ll can do if staying for short time.
Gracias por todo

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I’m an American heading for spain the beginning of Feb. Maybe we could meet up. I’m plannin on workin and travleing as well.


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That could work, 2 questions:
Which part of Spain are you heading?
You’re not some kind of psyco, serial killer or drug dealer, are you? Sorry I had to ask, I think I’ve seen too many american movies… je…

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No i’m not a crazy movie psycho, but i completely understand where you’re comin from. I’m 25 and live in seattle wa. I’m just wanting to go see europe and work to pay for my travels. My spanish is ok but not great so it would be cool to know someone who speaks the native language. Are you going just to work and travel as well?


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Good to know, don’t worry, I don’t get more paranoyd than that. My plan is to work and travel, but I’m more interested in the traveling, so I don’t want to stay at the same place for a long time, I’ll be moving around. Also, I’d like to know other countries beside Spain.

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Have you thought of doing some sort of online job or travel writing? Maybe start a blog?


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I’ve never heard of any of those, or, may be, we call them in a different way. Would you mind to explain me?

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Besides that, Now I think It’s a good idea to find some partner/s to do this trip, so I’ll post a new forum topic, If anyone’s interested, let me know.

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Things like housesitting and teaching English or Spanish are good ideas to try. The best option is to always do something you enjoy and won’t get tired of too easily.

For travel writing, you would go to your destination and write articles about those places. Then you try to sell them to travel magazines or newspapers. If you don’t like writing or don’t think you’re good at it, I wouldn’t try this avenue, but it’s always a good option if you are. There is a freelance travel writer named David Whitley who has a blog with free tips about travel writing that I came across while searching for tips for my own writing. Click here to go to it, or I have a link to it on my blog.

For blogs, again – this is writing, but more like a diary. Yaro Starak from Blog Mastermind is a good person to go to for free tips on how to start and make money from blogging. Click here to download the Blog Profits Blueprint

Good luck!
