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work-visa question, as US citizen
8cheerios's profile picture
Eurotrip Points: 52
Member: 717
Joined: 01/03/2007
User offline. Last seen 18 years 2 weeks ago.

Hi everyone. I just returned several days ago from 3 and half months of traveling Europe, and all I can think of is ways to go back. My mind is filled with different ideas of working/studying/grants, etc etc etc. I met so many people on the road who were working/traveling for a year or so, and would work a little, travel a little, work a little,travel a little, etc, with the working time varying between a week here and there to several months here and there. This whole working/traveling thing is something I definitely definitely want to do within the next few months, and I intend to be on the road a good year or so. My question: work visas. Now how would that all work for me, being an American citizen? I met people who would just work in a pub for a week or month, or some little sandwich place, or at a hostel. For this type of small spurts of work, is a visa necessary? Or visaAS? And what about if you’re going to be in several different countries? I’d like to work in Spain for several months next summer, and then on the vineyards in Italy for the fall. And then after, some of those programs where you’re hired to work on a farm for a week or two at a time at places, with food/housing inlcluded. For this type of thing, can I just go to Europe sans visa, since it will be for shot periods of time and isn’ professional work? Or do I still need a visa? Or visas? OR is there any type of "rolling work visa", that is valid for more than one EU country?
Anyway info on this topic would be greatly greatly appreciated.
Thank you!!