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2 week winter wonderland tour with Topdeck, then a couple of weeks of bumming around in Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria.
Still working out the end of the trip and what to do with exchange rates between countries (/HOW DO I HANDLE MONEY!?!?!?!?), but cannot friggin wait!
With the number of cities you have, you’re averaging about 3 days in each city in 47 days — which is fine, but I would suggest against adding anymore stops because that will stretch you thin. As for the money, the only country you’ll have to worry about changing money in is the UK — everywhere else uses the Euro.
I’m hoping that this isn’t the lineup that the tour group is giving you, though. 12 cities in two weeks??? Ouch.
Thanks mim. About the time, I think we’ll manage, because I haven’t really added in the whole travelling by train/stopover periods so it might seem a bit rushed, but it isn’t really because there aren’t any more stops we plan to add.
I thought Prague/Slovakia used their own currency? I mean, fantastic if they use the Euro, but I was more talking about the fact as what is better for value to use: debit card, traveller’s cheque, ANZ travel card, etc. etc. because I don’t wanna get ripped off with all the added fees and stuff.
Thanks for replying!
P.S The tour hits up 7 cities in 14 days, so that’s ok.
Oops.. Neglected the Czech Republic in that — yea, the Czechs are still on the Koruna, but Slovakia’s set to adopt the Euro in a few weeks (January ’09).
For money purposes, ATM card’s are the best. You’ll get a pretty good exchange rate and it won’t rip you off. Be aware that your individual bank may charge you a fee to use a foreign ATM, so check with them for that.