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Western Europe in a month

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$2200 does not include plane ticket or transportation, although if i can find an awesome last minute deals on plane ticket (right now, i estimated it to be $900 from calgary to london, but i hear its possible to get last minute deals for around $600), i will have more to spend.
We might also try couch surfing for few nights to save money and make more experiences out of the trip.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Since my friend will be having his 20th birthday, probably when we are in amsterdam, it would be great if anyone can tell me a couple good clubs or bars in amsterdam.

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Your budget it very tight — couch surfing will become a necessity especially if you want to party.

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Agreed, especially with some of the city’s you are visiting being expensive, have you considered combing some of western Europe with cheaper areas in eastern Europe to save on cost’s?

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thank you for the tips!
i could probably try to increase budget by $500-1000 although I am not sure if my friend can… lol
And about Eastern europe, neither of us knows much of eastern europe, so it would be great if you can recommend couple cities that arent too far away from the other cities.

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Not too far away are Bratislava, Budapest, Krakow, Warsaw, Wroclaw. They are more Central than Eastern Europe right enough.

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Thanks for the help but I think I will just leave Eastern Europe for another year and work on increasing budget.
Also, I have made few more small changes, and if there is a cheap flight going to paris or madrid, i will take London out.
And is taking plane from paris to madrid better than night train? The price seems to be a lot cheaper and less time consuming.
Ibiza to Rome is flight for sure, and i’m thinking rest of travel will be with trains.
In and out of london, i would go with eurostar if we can find really good deals on flight from calgary to london.
And for the railpass, i think i will get eurail global youth flexi pass for 10 days in 2 month.

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Paris to Madrid would be better served by flight in terms of price and time. Train is generally the best form of transport in Europe and would agree that it’s best to use this form of transport for the majority of your trip.